Welcome to Kirynic
Kirynic is a duplicitous world of high-magic and cloak-and-dagger skullduggery. It’s a campaign setting intended to be compatible with 5e Dungeons and Dragons. Below are the version 0.1 documents. These have not been play-tested and should be considered very rough drafts. I would love any feedback.
Dungeon Master Guides
These documents contains basic backstory and variant rules for this D&D setting.
DM Guide

Because of the dual nature of Kirynic, every location is intended to provide the backdrop for two entirely different kinds of adventure.
Luminweald, The Forest of Lights
Pilzehain, The Potent Blight
Xanvegas, The Time out of Place
Kalma, The Thanatopic Tundra
Player Companions
Full player’s companion coming soon.
Gambler Class