First of all, if you’re not familiar with Everything is Terrible, you should familiarize yourself with it. They are found footage kings who have brought us all kinds of amazing old videos from the time before the internet. However, there’s a video I discovered on r/deepintoyoutube today called “McDonalds Clean It Training Video” that makes many of their videos pale in comparison.
Everything is Terrible is famous for their found footage. There’s the woman who will teach you how to give your cat a massage:
So Your Cat Wants a Massage
Then, there are the absolutely infamous Wendy’s training videos like:
Wendy’s Training Video: Hot Drinks
Wendy’s Training Video: Chili Can Be Served with Cheese

I absolutely love this kind of video. There’s this amazing out of touch quality to them. It’s someone who’s so clearly very passionate about something, but their message is either too weird or just not quite executed right. I mean, I really have to respect these people for putting together super professional looking videos in the late 80s and early 90s when these things were still very expensive. They also got a ton of people together to actually make the production happen.
Some of these videos come from public access television, but that still means they had to have the drive to actually go into the studio and confidently put out their message. So, while I like to have a laugh at these videos, there’s a more important quality to me that represents their earnestly. Maybe tenacity is a good word for it, too.
So, while I was browsing Reddit this morning I found this “McDonalds Clean It Training video,” (shout out to /u/bobiger, who posted it.) I must say, that I am simply fascinated by this video. Watch it first:
McDonalds Clean It Training Video

The McDonalds Clean It Training Video just has everything I have ever wanted in a video like this. Not only is it an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Michael Jackson to reach disenfranchised fast food workers. It’s made to look like a “cool rap video” with a message. However, it’s so clearly out of touch and made by a bunch of middle aged suits who don’t quite understand what’s cool about the original. The fact that they’re trying to parody “Beat It” after Weird Al’s “Eat It” makes it just that much better.